Alhamdullilah, the month of Ramadan in year 1438AH is upon us. We would like to take this opportunity to share a set of reminders from the IPDC President, Dr Rafiqul Islam. The original article appeared in this website during last Ramadan.
IPDC is pleased to announce the IPDC Talent Award for students who scored outstanding results in NAPLAN/HSC exams in the year 2016. Certificates and crests will be awarded to the selected best students based on results in each category. The award ceremony will be followed by a delightful cultural evening. Register online:
For more details please contact Br Ertaz Chowdhury 0420 710 548.
Islamic Practice and Dawah Circle (IPDC) Canberra organised its inaugural Ulama and Community Leaders gathering on the 18 December 2016 at Ann Harding Conference Centre, University of Canberra.
Over 60 distinguished community leaders were present including imams of Mosques and presidents of Islamic organisations in ACT.