- Da’wah: IPDC shall convey and promote the universal message of Islam for the benefit of all people without discrimination on grounds of gender, sexual orientation, race, colour, nationality, disability, age and political, religious, or other beliefs.
- Organisation: IPDC shall mobilise all those who agree to share aims, objectives and programmes of the organisation and make them social activists of civic pride through piety and righteousness.
- Teaching and Learning: IPDC shall provide teaching and learning programmes for the spiritual and moral and ethical development of all its volunteers so that they may become better Muslims, as well as responsible and capable members of society in order to improve community cohesion and play a constructive and positive role in society as a whole.
- Education and outreach: IPDC shall arrange Islamic and general education for children, youths and adults. It shall also set up educational institutions for the upliftment of the community.
- Building Next Generation: IPDC shall work to build the next generation of Muslim as pious, ethical, confident, entrepreneur and fully integrated with multicultural Australian society.
- Social Welfare: IPDC shall engage in providing various services to members of the community in need, irrespective of gender, race, colour or creed. Especial focus will be given to new immigrant through support network.
- Social Licensing: IPDC shall work to create awareness about the ethical uses of natural resources and environments and promote social businesses, co-operative initiatives and interest free microcredit for young entrepreneurs.
- Co-operation and Co-ordination with Other Organisations: IPDC shall maintain liaisons and work with other similar or like-minded organisations. The Organisation shall also work with other statutory and non-statutory bodies and organisations concerned with the promotion of the interests of the Muslim and the wider community at large.
- IPDC Centres and Projects: IPDC shall established at least one multi-cultural, multipurpose IPDC centre with worship facilities to bring communities together to celebrate and share their faiths, rituals and cultures. Through these centres, IPDC will run its education and social welfare program for the communities.